Eligibility for Admission to B.Com Degree Course:This being an institution recognized as minority institution (linguistic minority-HINDI),besides the criterion given below ,reservation for minority community would also be applicable as per the rules & regulations of the University & the Government.
1) A student who has passed the H.S.C. Examination conducted by the Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board with Commerce stream or with Vocational subject carrying 200 marks or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto will be eligible for the admission to the F.Y.B.com class.
2) Students passing H.S.C. or any other equivalent Examinations conducted by Boards /Universities outside Maharashtra State ,should first obtain a provisional certificate of eligibility from the Registrar, University of Mumbai, Eligibility Section , Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz! East, Mumbai, before they seek admission to the college Application forms submitted without Provisional Eligibility Certificate will not be accepted.
Student is required to offer seven subjects as under. Each subject will carry one paper of 100 marks. Thus total marks will be 700
A student is required to offer six subjects as under. Each subject will carry one paper of 100 marks. Thus total marks will be 600.
Optional subjects will be allotted purely on merit (decided on the basis of marks obtained at F.Y.B.Com Examinations) from among st the applications received subject to availability of seats.
A student is required to offer seven papers as under. Each paper will carry 100 marks. Total marks will be 700.
1) Special Subjects: 3 papers I & II & III
Financial Accounting & Auditing-Paper III
Financial Accounting & Auditing-Paper IV
Financial Accounting & Auditing-Paper V
2) Commerce Paper III (Marketing & Human Resource Management
3) Business Economics -Paper IIIp>
4) Applied Component -Paper II (Direct & Indirect Taxes
5) Applied Component- III(Export Marketing/Computer System & Applications